Main Content
My name is Preston Ito and welcome to my portfolio. A common theme that you’ll notice throughout my website is the discussion of music and its role in the world of Humanities. I’m a first-year student of Davidson College’s class of ’23. I was born and raised in Maui, HI, approximately 4,600 miles away from Davidson, NC. I’m currently planning on double majoring in Physics and Music. I enjoy playing the piano and some of my original pieces are featured on this portfolio. This is a collection of some of my work throughout the school year. On this website you’ll be able to find:
- The Sound of Billie Holiday’s Strange Fruit
- Definition of “revolution”
- Definition of “humanities” and “Humanities”
- Polished posts and campus commentary
- The Perception of Systematic Racism: Davids and Morrison
- Creative collaborative music piece
- Creative music piece (individual)
- Creative writing piece
HUM 103/104 is a year-long course offered here at Davidson College that analyzes historical events/texts with a focus on different perspectives of social revolutions throughout time. This portfolio highlights some of the important repeated ideas we’ve learned. Keep this question in mind as you explore this website: How has music played a role in my life? I aim to show you that music has been one of the biggest forms of storytelling and I hope to spark your curiosity in creating and learning about the power of music.
Thank you to everyone who helped me through this learning process. Special shoutout to my fellow Humsters, each and everyone of the Humes fellows, and professors for always being so incredibly helpful. All the pictures on this website belong to me, with the exception of two pictures I got from the Instagram page @mindtheheart. The audio recording at the top of this page was from Davidson’s 11 o’clock Jazz Combo directed by Tim Gordon. The two songs featured were Breakfast Wine by Randy Alcroft and Polka Dots and Moonbeams by Jimmy Van Heusen. The musicians playing were Andrew Wright on trumpet, Emory Nash on trombone, Owen Smith on bass, Mickey Wooten on drums, Will Messner on guitar, and myself on piano.
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